Alnizami, R., Thorp, A., & Sztajn, P. (2019) Discourse in classrooms of professional development participants. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Pretoria, South Africa..
Tauber, M. Maroto Vargas, A. P., & Sztajn, P. (2018, February). Facilitation factors that impact discourse during mathematics professional development for elementary teachers. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Houston, TX.
Herbst, P., Spangler, D. & Sztajn, P. (2017, April). Research on mathematics teachers, teaching, and professional development: Looking back and looking ahead. Symposium presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Huang, H., Winters, J., Han, X., Kimmis, D., Haupt, M. & Sztajn, P. (2017, April). Teaching dividing fraction using learning trajectory in China and the US. Symposium presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Chval, K., Sztajn, P., Drake, C., & Rigelman, N. (2017, January). Positioning mathematics teacher educators to engage in political and media arenas. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL.
Sztajn, P, Malzahn, K. & Dick, L. (2017, January). Connecting theory and technique to support teachers’ implementation of mathematics discourse in the classroom. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL.
Chval, K., Strutchens, M., & Sztajn, P. (2016, January). Advocacy strategies for mathematics teacher educators: equipping our voices to influence. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvice, CA.
Wilson, P.H., Edgington, C., Webb, J., & Sztajn, P. (2015, November). Teachers’ positioning in professional development: The case of age and grade. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, East Lansing, MI.
Duffrin, C., Sztajn, P. & Beck, T. L. (2015, October). Higher Education Funding 101: Creating a fundable STEM program, the funding search an dhow to write a grant. Panel discussion ad the Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research, Raleigh, NC.
Yoon, K. & Sztajn, P. (2015, April). Systematic Descriptions of Mathematics Professional Development Interventions: A Synthesis Study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Edgington, C., Sztajn, P., Wilson, P.H., Myers, M., & Webb, J. (2015, February). Designing boundary objects for learning trajectories. Research symposium presented at the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.
Edgington, C., Webb, J., P.H., Wilson, Sztajn, P., & Myers, M. (2014, October). Linking research and practice: Learning trajectory based instruction. Poster presented at the fourth annual Bridging the Gap STEM Conference. Raleigh, NC.